Challenge Overview

Nigeria’s youth face significant challenges in unemployment and underemployment, largely due to a mismatch between their skills and the demands of the modern job market. This Hackathon invites you to create a multifaceted platform or program that equips young Nigerians with critical skills, connects them with real-world opportunities, and supports their journey into the workforce or entrepreneurship.

Background & Rationale

The rapidly evolving job market requires a workforce skilled in digital technology, entrepreneurship, and soft skills. However, many young Nigerians lack access to quality skill development and practical work experience. A comprehensive platform addressing these gaps can significantly enhance employability and job creation.

Inspiration, Innovation, Transformation:

Imagine a future where every Nigerian youth has the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to pursue their career aspirations confidently. Your solution should serve as a catalyst for this change, providing a bridge between young talent and the evolving needs of the global economy.

Technical Requirement:

  • Develop an accessible, user-friendly platform offering curated online courses and resources in high-demand skills areas.
  • Integrate a mentorship program connecting users with industry professionals for guidance and support.
  • Facilitate partnerships with companies to provide internships and entry-level job opportunities, ensuring practical experience.
  • Include entrepreneurship resources, such as business planning tools, funding opportunities, and courses, to support aspiring young entrepreneurs.
  • Foster a vibrant community for networking, knowledge exchange, and mutual support among users.

Expected Experience

Participants should be ready to tackle the multifaceted challenge of youth employability, combining expertise in educational technology, content creation, and platform development to create a solution that is both impactful and sustainable.

Expected Deliverables

A Demo Prototype: A functional prototype of the platform showcasing its key features, from skill development to job matching.

Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation of the platform’s development process, challenges encountered, solutions implemented, and plans for scalability and sustainability.

A Crisp Presentation: An engaging presentation that effectively communicates the platform’s impact on bridging the skills gap and enhancing youth employability in Nigeria.

What to Do

Register: Register below to participate in the challenge.

Community Engagement: Join the ATTF community to find team members, mentors, and gain insights from like-minded individuals.

Dive Into the Challenge: Select this challenge, form your team, and begin crafting your solution to empower Nigerian youth.

Leverage Resources: Utilize workshops, mentorship sessions, and community support to refine and enhance your project.

Registration Closed

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