Challenge Overview

Imagine a world where every teen is equipped with a magic toolbox, one that unlocks their potential and guides them through  the future workforce and entrepreneurship. That’s our vision, and we need your creativity to make it real. Dive into designing digital wonders that empower teens with the skills for tomorrow and the courage to dream big.

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Background & Rationale

The journey from teenager to trailblazer is thrilling but daunting. Traditional education often misses the mark, leaving gaps in digital know-how, critical thinking, and the entrepreneurial spirit needed in today’s world. With technology reshaping every corner of our lives, it’s time to ensure every young adventurer is ready for the future.

Inspiration, Innovation, Transformation

This challenge is not just about creating a tool; it’s about sparking a movement towards informed career choices and empowering the next generation to achieve their full potential. Your solutions will pave the way for a future where career exploration is dynamic, data-driven, and tailored to every individual’s unique journey.

Technical Requirement

  • Develop an intuitive AI algorithm capable of analyzing user inputs (interests, skills, etc.) to provide personalized career recommendations.
  • Ensure the platform is user-friendly, with an engaging interface that encourages interaction and exploration.
  • The solution should be accessible on various devices and internet speeds, emphasizing inclusivity.

Hackathon Experience & Preparation

Embark on an epic quest of learning, innovation, and collaboration. Start by diving into the worlds of digital education and AI. Brush up on user experience design to ensure your solution is a joy to explore. Gather your fellowship of innovators, and let the brainstorming begin!

 Ideal Team and How to Find Your Team

A balanced team might include a mix of talent with at least a little background in   Product Design, a software development, in UX Research, and  Product development. 

Use the ATTF community platforms to find team members who complement your skills and share your vision.

Why Participate

  • Learn and Grow: Level up your skills in technology, design, and beyond.
  • Connect: Join a community of peers and mentors who share your passion.
  • Impact: Play a part in shaping the future for yourself and other teens.
  • Recognition: Earn accolades, mentorship, and support to bring your vision to life.
🏅 Evaluation Metrics

We’re on the lookout for solutions that are:

  • Innovative: Fresh, creative approaches to learning and career exploration.
  • Impactful: Making a real difference in teens’ readiness for the future.
  • Scalable: Able to reach and resonate with teens from all walks of life.
  • User-Friendly: Easy, engaging, and fun for teens to use.
  • Sustainable: Offering long-term value and support.

Expected Deliverables

A Demo Prototype: Bring your idea to life with a UI prototype or website demo that showcases how it works.

Comprehensive Documentation: Share the journey of your idea from concept to prototype, including the challenges faced and how you overcame them.

A Crisp Presentation: Summarize your solution, its impact, and its potential in a clear, compelling presentation.

🌱 Expected Experience

This challenge is a journey of discovery, learning, and making an impact. You’ll dive deep into technology and teamwork, emerging with new skills, insights, and connections.

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