Challenge Overview

In today’s fast-paced world, many young individuals find it challenging to discover career paths that truly match their unique mix of skills, interests, and aspirations. This Hackathon invites you to develop an AI-powered platform that acts as a personal career guide, helping youth navigate the maze of potential careers and pinpoint those that align perfectly with their individual profiles.

Background & Rationale

With the job market evolving rapidly, traditional methods of career counseling struggle to keep up, often leaving youth uncertain about their future. An AI-powered solution can bridge this gap by providing up-to-date, personalized career guidance, ensuring young people are equipped to make informed decisions about their futures.

Inspiration, Innovation, Transformation

This challenge is not just about creating a tool; it’s about sparking a movement towards informed career choices and empowering the next generation to achieve their full potential. Your solutions will pave the way for a future where career exploration is dynamic, data-driven, and tailored to every individual’s unique journey.

Technical Requirement

  • Develop an intuitive AI algorithm capable of analyzing user inputs (interests, skills, etc.) to provide personalized career recommendations.
  • Ensure the platform is user-friendly, with an engaging interface that encourages interaction and exploration.
  • The solution should be accessible on various devices and internet speeds, emphasizing inclusivity.

Hackathon Experience & Preparation

Prepare for an exhilarating journey of learning, innovation, and collaboration. You’ll have the chance to attend workshops and mentoring sessions to refine your idea and develop your prototype. Start by familiarizing yourself with AI technologies and career counseling concepts to hit the ground running.

Ideal Team and How to Find Your Team

A balanced team might include a mix of talent with at least a little background in   Product Design, a software development, in UX Research, and  Product development. 

Use the ATTF community platforms to find team members who complement your skills and share your vision.

Why Participate

Skill Development: Enhance your knowledge in AI, product design, and more.

Networking: Connect with like-minded peers and industry leaders.

Make an Impact: Contribute to solving a real-world problem affecting millions of youths.

Recognition and Prizes: Showcase your talent and win exciting rewards.

Evaluation Metrics

Innovation: Originality of the AI solution.

Effectiveness: Accuracy and relevance of career recommendations.

Accessibility: Ease of use and inclusivity.

Impact: Potential to significantly aid users in their career exploration journey.

Expected Deliverables

  • A Demo Prototype: Either a UI prototype or a website demo, showcasing your solution in action.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detail the design process, challenges faced, solutions implemented, and suggestions for future enhancements.
  • A Crisp Presentation: Summarize your solution, its benefits, and its potential impact in a clear and engaging manner.

Expected Experience

Participants should come ready to dive into AI development, with a willingness to tackle complex problems, collaborate effectively, and present their ideas convincingly.

What to Do Next

  • Register on the ATTF website to officially enter the challenge.
  • Join the ATTF community to connect with potential team members and mentors.
  • Pick a Challenge & Form Your Team: Find a challenge that excites you and assemble your dream team.
  • Attend the Conference: Gain insights and inspiration from industry experts.
  • Start Hacking: Bring your innovative ideas to life.

Ask Questions and Get Support: Utilize the community for guidance and support throughout your hackathon journey.